At Solomon we provide a wide range of top notch professional services to meet your needs to the highest level of satisfaction.
If the area of expertise you require isn't covered below, let us know via the contact form at the bottom of the page and we'll do our best to refer you to our best team.
The Solomon Agency Claims Management Group's main goal is to assist customers with their claim issues. Provision of services may depend on the type of claim. Any services provided by carriers or other vendors will be coordinated by a Solomon Agency Claims Management Specialist.
We address your business’s unique set of needs by developing a loss control program tailored specifically to you.
The most important way companies can really control their workers compensation costs is to convince all involved that controlling cost is worth the effort. Companies who have made the greatest strides do so because everyone is focused on the importance of safety.
At Solomon we provide a wide range of top notch professional services to meet your needs to the highest level of satisfaction.
If the area of expertise you require isn't covered below, let us know via the contact form at the bottom of the page and we'll do our best to refer you to our best team.
The Solomon Agency Claims Management Group's main goal is to assist customers with their claim issues. Provision of services may depend on the type of claim. Any services provided by carriers or other vendors will be coordinated by a Solomon Agency Claims Management Specialist.
We address your business’s unique set of needs by developing a loss control program tailored specifically to you.
The most important way companies can really control their workers compensation costs is to convince all involved that controlling cost is worth the effort. Companies who have made the greatest strides do so because everyone is focused on the importance of safety.
The Solomon Agency Claims Management Group's main goal is to assist customers with their claim issues. Provision of services may depend on the type of claim. Any services provided by carriers or other vendors will be coordinated by a Solomon Agency Claims Management Specialist.
We address your business’s unique set of needs by developing a loss control program tailored specifically to you.
The most important way companies can really control their workers compensation costs is to convince all involved that controlling cost is worth the effort. Companies who have made the greatest strides do so because everyone is focused on the importance of safety.
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Thank you for contacting us.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Solomon Team
Solomon Agency Corp.